Megillath Esther container

Container for Megillath Esther

Stainless Steel, 24K Gold

This container was made in memory of my parents and given to the congregation they belonged to at the time they passed away.  My brother donated the scroll, I donated the container.

The text is laser engraved onto the cylinder and reads as follows. The top line


is a quote from the Megillath Esther and translates as:  "The Jews have light and gladness and joy and honor."

The two words in the center read  Megillath Esther , which means Megillath Ester.

The bottom portion is the dedication of the scroll.  It states the year, according to the Hebrew calendar, in which the scroll was given. Followed by, that it was given in memory of our parents, who are mentioned by their Hebrew names, and in memory of all those in our family who passed on before them.  That is was given to "Beth Shalom" in Amsterdam, by my brother and I, also mentioned by our Hebrew names.

The four 24K Gold lines, that circle the cylinder, are a reference to the four members of our family.

